
All about January

Fun Facts and National Days

By Staci Nappi And List Of National Days December 30, 2024

  Happy New Year!  

It is time for a “Fresh Start”! The page is blank and the future is yours to make the most of it.

Below are some fun January facts as well as all the holidays, historical events, and noteworthy National Days. Click on the links for more detailed information.



Fun Facts!


King Numa Pompilius, the second king of Rome, was responsible for adding January and February to the Roman calendar. He did this so the calendar would be equivalent to a lunar year. Even so, it only had 30 days.

There are 173 January National Days to celebrate during the year’s first month. In the northern hemisphere, January is the second month of winter. January is named after Janus, the Roman god of beginnings. Initially, the Roman calendar had only ten months, excluding January and February.

Finally, Julius Caesar added the 31st day to the month and completed it to the whole month of January!

* January has 31 days.
* January’s Birthstone: 
* January’s Colors: Dark Red, Dark Blue, and Blue.
* January’s Birth Flowers: Cottage pink and the snowdrop.

* The full moon in January is called the Wolf Moon.  

* During January, the Earth’s Perihelion (when the earth is closest to the sun) also happens.

Historical Events in January:


January 1, 1942 – United Nations Established
January 2, 1974 – New 55 MPH Speed Limit U.S. Wide
January 3, 1977 – Apple Computer is incorporated
January 4, 2010 – The Burj Khalifa Opens
January 5, 1933 – Work on The Golden Gate Bridge is started
January 6, 2021 – Insurrectionists attack the U.S. Capital
January 7, 1999 – Impeachment of President Clinton
January 8, 1963 – The Mona Lisa first public appearance
January 9, 2007 – Apple introduces the iPhone
January 10, 1944 – GI Bill Signed Into Law
January 11, 1935 – Amelia Earhart first solo trip across the Pacific
January 12, 1915 – Women’s Suffrage Bill
January 13, 1925 – Child Labor Laws
January 14, 1952 – NBC “Today” show begins
January 15, 1967 – The first Super Bowl  
January 16, 1547 – Ivan the Terrible crowned prince of Russia
January 17, 1991 – Gulf War Begins
January 18, 1911 – The first landing of an aircraft on a ship
January 19, 1983 – Apple releases Apple Lisa
January 20, 2010 – China bans the movie Avatar
January 21, 1976 – First supersonic commercial jet goes into service
January 22, 1973 – Roe v. Wade is decided
January 23, 1973 – President Nixon gives “Peace with Honor” Speech
January 24, 1935 – First can of beer sold.
January 25, 1924 – First Winter Olympics games
January 26, 1905 – World’s Largest Diamond Discovered
January 27, 1926 – First public demonstration of Television  
January 28, 1977 – First airing of Fantasy Island
January 29, 1959 – Disney released the animated film Sleeping Beauty
January 30, 1969 – The Beatles' last concert.
January 31, 1971 – Apollo 14 launches the 3rd mission to the moon.

Notable January National Days:

There are two federal holidays in January, New Year's Day-January 1st  (the day to make New Year’s resolutions and recover from New Year’s Eve) and the birthday of the inspirational leader, Martin Luther King, on Martin Luther King Day-January 20th.

Fun days to observe:

National Spaghetti Day  , National Milk Day, National Popcorn Day  , National Pie Day, National Peanut Butter Day, National Chocolate Cake Day  , National Croissant Day, National Bloody Mary Day, National Buffet Day. Then, keep warm during this chilly month by participating in Hot And Spicy Food Day, National Hot Buttered Rum Day, Hot Sauce Day, And National Hugging Day.

Celebrities Born in January:

Martin Luther King, Betty White, Christian Louboutin, Rod Stewart, Dave Grohl, Alicia Keys, Elvis Presley, Al Capone, Dolly Parton, David Bowie, and George Foreman. (And me, Staci, the publisher  

List of January National Days:

Below is a list of national days that fall on the same date in January every year. Many days fall on different dates in January, and you can find them here.

January 1st
New Years Day  
Rose Bowl Game  
Apple Gifting Day  
Commitment Day
Copyright Law Day
Euro Day
Global Family Day
Mummer’s Parade
National Bloody Mary Day
National Ellis Island Day
National First-Foot Day  
National Hangover Day
National Ice Skating Day  
New Year’s Dishonor List Day
Polar Bear Swim Day  
Public Domain Day
Ring A Bell Day  
Solemnity Of Mary
The Emancipation Proclamation
World Day Of Peace  
Haiti’s National Day
Sudan’s National Day

January 2nd
55 Mph Speed Limit Day
Happy Mew Year Day For Cats  
Motivation And Inspiration Day
National Buffet Day
National Cream Puff Day
National Personal Trainer Awareness Day
National Pet Travel Safety Day  
National Run It Up The Flagpole And See If Anybody Salutes It Day
National Science Fiction Day
Swiss Cheese Day  
World Introvert Day
Georgia State Day

January 3rd
Festival Of Sleep Day
Humiliation Day
International Mind-Body Wellness Day
J.R.R. Tolkien Day
Memento Mori
National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day
National Drinking Straw Day
National Fruitcake Toss Day
National Write To Congress Day
Women Rock Day
Alaska State Day

January 4th
Dimpled Chad Day
Free Flower Basket Day
Hypnotism Day
National Can Do Day
National Spaghetti Day  
National Trivia Day
Perihelion Day
Pop Music Chart Day
Tom Thumb Day
World Braille Day
Utah State Day

January 5th
Day Of Dialogue
George Washington Carver Day
National Bird Day  
National Keto Day
National Screenwriters Day
National Whipped Cream Day
Twelfth Night
New Hampshire State Day

January 6th
Apple Tree Day  
National Bean Day
National Cuddle Up Day
National Shortbread Day
National Smith Day
National Take A Poet To Lunch Day
National Take Down The Christmas Tree Day  
Three Kings Day
World Day For War Orphans
National Thank God It’s Monday Day
Weigh-In Day
New Mexico State Day

January 7th
Distaff Day
Harlem Globetrotters Day
I Am A Mentor Day
I’m Not Going Take It Anymore Day
International Programmers’ Day
Mahayana New Year
National Bobblehead Day
National Pass Gas Day
National Tempura Day
Old Rock Day
Orthodox Christmas Day

January 8th
Earth’s Rotation Day  
National Argyle Day
National Bubble Bath Day
National Career Coach Day
National English Toffee Day
National Joy Germ Day
National Man Watcher’s Day
National Snuggle A Chicken Day  
National Winter Skin Relief Day
Show & Tell At Work Day
War On Poverty Day
World Typing Day
National Take The Stairs Day

January 9th
Balloon Ascension Day
International Choreographers Day
National Apricot Day
National Cassoulet Day
National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day
National Static Electricity Day
National Wonk Day
National Word Nerd Day
Play God Day
Healthy Weight, Healthy Look Day
Connecticut State Day

January 10th
Houseplant Appreciation Day
League Of Nations Day
National Bittersweet Chocolate Day
National Cut Your Energy Costs Day
National Oysters Rockefeller Day
National Save The Eagles Day
National Shareholders Day
Peculiar People Day
Quitters Day

January 11th
Cigarettes Are Hazardous To Your Health Day
Girl Hug Boy Day  
Heritage Treasures Day
International Parity At Work Day
International Thank-You Day
Learn Your Name In Morse Code Day
National Hot Toddy Day
National Human Trafficking Awareness Day
National Milk Day  
National Step In The Puddle And Splash Your Friends Day
Paget’s Awareness Day
Secret Pal Day
World Sketch note Day  
World Unicorn Appreciation Day  
National Vision Board Day

January 12th
Feast Of Fabulous Wild Men Day  
Kiss A Ginger Day
National Curried Chicken Day  
National Hot Tea Day  
National Kettlebell Day
National Marzipan Day
National Pharmacist Day
National Roast Day
National Youth Day
Stick To Your New Year’s Resolution Day
Work Harder Day
National Sunday Supper Day  
Plough Sunday

January 13th
Korean American Day
Make Your Dream Come True Day  
National Rubber Ducky Day  
National Sticker Day
Peach Melba Day  
Poetry Break Day
Public Radio Broadcasting Day  
Stephen Foster Memorial Day
National Clean Off Your Desk Day
National Fourth Graders Day
National Gluten-Free Day
Plough Monday

January 14th
Caesarean Section Day
Feast Of The Ass
International Kite Day  
National Dress Up Your Pet Day  
National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day
National Udhiyan Day
Organize Your Home Day
Ratification Day
Take A Missionary To Lunch Day
World Logic Day  
National Poetry At Work Day
National Shop For Travel Day  
Old New Year

January 15th
National Bagel Day  
National Booch Day
National Hat Day  
National Pothole Day
National Strawberry Ice Cream Day  
Wikipedia Day

January 16th
Appreciate A Dragon Day  
Book Publishers Day  
International Hot And Spicy Day  
National Fig Newton Day
National Good Teen Day   
National Nothing Day
National Quinoa Day
National Religious Freedom Day
National Without A Scalpel Day
Prohibition Remembrance Day

January 17th
Betty White Day
Cable Car Day
Ditch New Years Resolutions Day
International We Are Not Broken Day
Kid Inventors Day   
National Bootlegger’s Day
National Classy Day
National Hot Buttered Rum Day
National Hot Heads Chili Day
National Judgment Day
Popeye Day
Printing Ink Day
International Fetish Day

January 18th
National Gourmet Coffee Day  
National Maintenance Day
National Peking Duck Day  
National Thesaurus Day
National Winnie The Pooh Day
National Use Your Gift Card Day
Soup Swap Day

January 19th
Artist As Outlaw Day
Brew A Potion Day
Good Memory Day
Gun Appreciation Day
National Popcorn Day  
Tenderness Toward Existence Day
Tin Can Day
World Quark Day
National Fresh Squeezed Juice Day  
World Religion Day
World Snow Day