
Beat Boredom on a Budget

You don't have to have a large budget to have a fun summer

By Jennifer Hill, publisher of Macaroni KID Fremont, Calif. and Staci Nappi of Riverhead Macaroni Kid May 20, 2024

Before summer arrives, I like to sit down with my kids and talk about some ideas of what we would like to do during summer break. We make a list and highlight things that seem really important. Then, we pull out a calendar to which I've already added any scheduled travel, appointments, and camps to see what we can make happen. 

You don't have to have a large budget to have a fun summer. There are many free or low-cost ideas and activities out there. Plus, the Macaroni KID event calendar is also full of local family fun.

Here are some free or inexpensive ideas to get you started or to fill in some gaps. Whatever you choose to do, make some memories and have some fun with the kids!

1. Visit Local Parks and Farms:

We have so many great parks to explore, with different playgrounds, walking trails, and more. Create a list and visit a different one each week all summer long. 

2. DIY Crafts:

Use recycled materials or items collected from nature (tip: take a bag on a hike and find some great items to use). Create some crafts such as nature collages, bird feeders, and rock painting. Here is an idea for using objects found in nature to paint.

3. Take a Hike... or Two

From local trails to county and state parks, there are lots of fun options to get everyone moving. 

4. Backyard or Local Beach Camping:

This is an easier option (or go all out and plan a camping trip) that will make the kids' summer! Pitch a tent in the backyard, enjoy watching the stars and telling stories around a fire pit, and don't forget to roast some marshmallows.

5. Scavenger Hunts:

This can be simple or elaborate. If the weather is unbearably hot or raining, plan one for indoors. Plan one at the park or while hiking and exploring. There's no limit to themes and ideas for scavenger hunts.

6. Visit a Splash Splash, the Aquarium or Scott's Point:

Find local splash pads and pools to visit. Playing in the water is a great way to spend a day together.

7. Go Geocaching: (Our Favorite)

Combine this one with your planned hiking trip or bike ride and enjoy a treasure hunt with the kids. Find out how to get started here.

8. Outdoor Movie Night: (Check out events for hosts)

Check the Macaroni KID event calendar for local community movie events, or organize your own outdoor movie night in your yard for your family and friends – invite the neighbors too!

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9. Outdoor Games:

Teach the kids those childhood favorites such as Red Light, Green Light, and Mother May I, or gather the neighborhood kids for a fun game of tag, hide-and-seek, jump rope, pickleball, or kickball. (Check out Riverhead Rec Dept)

10. Visit the local Libraries:

Did you know the local libraries host free events all year long? From storytime events and crafts to movies and themed activities. Be in the know – you guessed it – by checking the Macaroni KID event calendar!

11. Bike Rides around Shelter Island or Sag Harbor:

Get the kids out there on their bikes. Find a bike trail, park with a nice path, or other area with room to ride and enjoy bicycling. Stop at the ice cream shop for a fun, sweet treat.

12. Community Events and Festivals: (Like the Strawberry festivals)

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy local festivals, fairs, farmers markets, and outdoor concerts. You can also check the Macaroni KID event calendar for events.

13. Science and STEAM Fun:

There are lots of simple science experiments and activities you can do with the kids (or set them up to do on their own if they are old enough – tip: a table in the backyard is perfect for potential messes). Some of our favorites include 5 Fun Experiments Kids Can Do with Candy, A DIY Lava Lamp that Will Amaze and Teach Kids, and Make Giant Bubbles in your Backyard!

14. Gardening with the family: (See Gardening Kids Article)

Involve the kids in planting a small garden with veggies or flowers or even a few pots. Our kids love finding blueberries to eat on our bushes!

15. Go Kayaking or Splash in a local Creek or Stream:

Spend the day cooling off in nature while they splash and play. It's fun to see how creative kids can be playing in nature.

16. Have a Picnic in the park or on the beach:

Kids love anything out of the norm. Eating a picnic lunch at the park or anywhere other than at the kitchen table is sure to be a hit. Pack a lunch, pick a place, and GO!

17. Community Service:

Volunteer together as a family for community clean-up events, food drives, or other local opportunities to give back to the community.

These activities provide opportunities for kids to have fun, learn, and bond with family and friends while enjoying summer break – and without spending a lot of money. Enjoy your summer adventures!

18. Check out the Museums and science centers: Visit the Long Island Steamers or the Many museums in the Riverhead area. (LI Railroad Museum, Science Center and Suffolk Historical Museum, Greenport Jail Museum, and many more)

19. Find a Summer Camp and check it out! See our local summer camp guides.

Jennifer Hill is the publisher of Macaroni KID Fremont, Calif.