
Teen Speak

Part 6

By Staci Nappi, Mom Publisher/Editor, Riverhead Macaroni Kid March 25, 2024

My slang, my mom's, and their slang.


Ah, the teenage slang of today! It's ever-changing and always entertaining. I remember back in the '80s when we used words like "rad," "gnarly," and "totally tubular." But let's not forget the slang from the '50s, like "jive turkey," "cool cat," and "greaser."

Nowadays, we have words like "bae," which means "before anyone else," and "salty," which means "bitter or upset." We also have words like "minute," which means "a long amount of time," and "swag," which I'm pretty sure means "cool" or "stylish." And who can forget "bedoozle" and "izzit"? I have no idea what those mean, but I'm sure they're bamboozle-izzit.

But you know what they say, "the more things change, the more they stay the same." So, let's embrace the ever-evolving language of our teens and hope they don't start speaking in emojis. Can you imagine deciphering a whole conversation made up of smiley faces and thumbs up? Talk about a head-scratcher! The language of emojis.

So, I Gucci or a little Extra? I think Gucci means cool, but Extra is over the

What words do your teens use? Please share on my FB Page!